A man of many facets and feelings.. One of them matched with Marianna’s personality and professionalism, along with the need of perfection.. Since then, they both like to argue and debate in order to reach the perfect solution to anything. He is the best company for anything and everything, however he prefers to just drink a beer and talk about life. His passion is music, cooking for friends and loves the beach. On his free time, he writes poetry. (He is the Admin.)

I fear people aren’t brave anymore. They’re afraid to put themselves out there…..but what if you do?

We prefer to hide behind a screen and swipe right instead of talking to a stranger. We send meaningless over-thought-out texts, instead of picking up the phone and speaking spontaneously……thanks for reminding me how it feels like the other day!  We endlessly ‘hang out’ with a bunch of potentials, and are scared to put labels on anything. We convince ourselves that being laidback and casual is cool and more attractive than someone who blurts out that they like you too soon.

But you know something……it’s just not……it’s not cool!

Modern dating is tough. Most people can’t think of many positive things to say about it. And I get it. I often feel cheated by the way that we date now too. But I don’t want you to give up on it just yet. A friend told me the other day, you had enough of those Netflix and Chill assholes, and you’ll find a man, who wants to take you on actual dates. Sounds improbable at this point, I know. But have faith.

There are still guys out there who want to date you…….a normal one……for instance to go for a burger 🙂

They will ask for your number, and then call you on the phone. The first time that happens will feel slightly alien, but will quickly begin to feel all kinds of lovely. We should all call each other more often.

They will read your messages, and reply to them straight away. You won’t be left wondering when you’ll next hear from them.

Neither of you will be playing a game.

They will arrange to take you out, they will plan and organise, they will put in effort and you’ll see it…..and trust me ladies is the most amazing feeling ever!

They will tell you they’ve had a great time, and they’ll mean it. Or they’ll respectfully let you know that something doesn’t feel quite right for them; they won’t cowardly disappear and hope you get their message of stone cold silence.

There are still guys who will open doors for you, and will walk on the side of the pavement nearest the traffic. They will tell you that you’re beautiful, and they’ll make you know that you’re special; and you might not think that you need that right now, but everyone needs that.

On your first date, they may or may not kiss you, but they won’t try and take any more than that just yet. They won’t invite you back to their place. No. They’re far too much of a gentleman. They’re in no rush, because they’re all about the long game. And they’re just that into you.

Yes, I promise you that there are still men like this.

They will tell you they want to invest their time in you, only you, and then they will do so. You won’t be an option to them. We say that dating a few people at once is normal today. But that’s bullshit that we’ve fed ourselves so we don’t feel guilty. They will choose you. And you will know it.

You have to believe it though. You have to believe that guys like this do exist. You have to be the girl who expects to be treated like she’s magic, because you are magic.

Have a lovely weekend!

Yours Truly,

The BizandLove Lady!

P.S:  …….thanks for the burger! 🙂

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