A man of many facets and feelings.. One of them matched with Marianna’s personality and professionalism, along with the need of perfection.. Since then, they both like to argue and debate in order to reach the perfect solution to anything. He is the best company for anything and everything, however he prefers to just drink a beer and talk about life. His passion is music, cooking for friends and loves the beach. On his free time, he writes poetry. (He is the Admin.)

It’s the time in my life where I want to be somewhere I haven’t been. Where I want to walk down streets and explore untouched running trails. Where I want to discover who I am, who I can be in a new place.

You don’t have to travel to live this fulfilled, inspired life. But you have to leave what you’ve always known. Because that’s the only way you grow.

As a 30-something (or approaching 40 🙂 ), this is the time where people are either traveling or settling into their adult lives. And you’re either reckless for throwing your money into a trip, or you’re too rigid for starting your full-time career right away. There’s no correct answer.

But traveling, to me, isn’t about going on this across-the-world adventure that costs thousands of euros. Sometimes it’s as simple as going to a new town, a new city, a sliver of the world that you haven’t yet explored.

Traveling is freeing. It’s allowing yourself to be molded, shaped, transformed by a place that isn’t your home. It’s seeing that the world is so limitless, so inviting, beyond what you’ve always known.

Traveling teaches. It teaches you about the world, but maybe even more importantly, it teaches you about yourself. Your strengths, your limits, your patience, your street-smarts, your ability to think on your feet, your compassion, your love for others, your openness, your confidence, and your connectedness with what’s around you.

Traveling helps you find your passions.

It’s only when you’re miles from home that you discover what you miss, what makes you spark, and what you believe in when no one’s around to hold you accountable.

It doesn’t really matter where you go, it just matters that you do.  Wandering feet. That’s what I have right now. Not necessarily for huge, expensive excursions around the world.

I want to see parts of the world I haven’t yet see; I want to discover who I can become.

You’ll have a chance to recreate yourself and be who you want to be.

While traveling solo, you can leave your grumpy, tired old self behind and start to be a new you. Explore parts of your personality you are not very comfortable or familiar with. When on the road, you might be challenged by unexpected factors and be positively surprised how well you respond to them. Empower yourself by unleashing the wonderful, irresistible and intelligent person you are, but whom you’ve neglected in your everyday routine.

You can finally take time to leave everything else behind.

Just disconnect from the world for a while. Turn off your mobile, “forget” to check you emails for a few days… don’t think about the bills, the responsibilities, the duties and problems. Leave them behind.

Some of the most intense creative times or the ones where we find the solutions for all our problems are actually the moments when we disconnect and stop worrying. Have you ever tried to remember a name or a date and you just can’t spit it out, but after you quit trying it pops out? It’s the same for the rest of life. Sometimes our brains need to get rid of old thoughts in order to be able to create space for new ones, better ones. So just disconnect yourself from everything and you might be amazed by how fresh you’ll feel once you get back home.

Yours Truly,

The BizandLove Lady!


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