A man of many facets and feelings.. One of them matched with Marianna’s personality and professionalism, along with the need of perfection.. Since then, they both like to argue and debate in order to reach the perfect solution to anything. He is the best company for anything and everything, however he prefers to just drink a beer and talk about life. His passion is music, cooking for friends and loves the beach. On his free time, he writes poetry. (He is the Admin.)

Often forgotten and not recognized as the driving force behind a business, HR can have a bigger impact on employee wellbeing than many realize. But just how much influence does this department hold?

Everyone knows that a successful company is comprised of many well-oiled departments striving away in unison towards the accomplishment of a common goal. But perhaps the one to set the tone for the entire business is none other than the human resources department. In fact, its importance from this point of view cannot be stressed enough.

Becoming an HR manager is a lot easier nowadays than it used to be. Websites such as the Job Application Center and a wide variety of online resources available mean that a career in human resources is a lot simpler than it used to be. Nevertheless, the job comes with a lot of responsibilities you need to be aware of.

The Role of Human Resources
The role of human resources within a company is a pivotal one, as those in charge establish the relationship with potential candidates early on. The first interaction an employee has with the department, and the future workplace in general, happens during the hiring process, which sets the tone for the entire experience.

HR recruits people and is largely responsible for finding the right person to fill a position. This means that the success of the business is in their hands from the beginning. After recruiting the necessary workforce for each job, the responsibility of pay and benefit distribution falls onto human resources as well.

They are also usually the ones who create adequate onboarding programs for new employees, so that they can learn about the company’s inner workings at a rapid pace. This means that they won’t only hire individuals but help with their professional formation as well. But the responsibilities of the human resources department don’t stop after candidates have been trained.

Company culture
The management of human resources also involves establishing a productive company culture based on communication and openness. This shapes not only the attitudes employees have towards their jobs, but also the public perception of the firm. And in order for promising candidates to be drawn in, it needs to be a positive one.

What is more, it is the duty of a company’s HR department to mediate conflicts and confront workers who have stepped out of line. These kinds of situations are often delicate and hard to manage, which means that exhibiting diplomacy and firmness is crucial. One wrong move will certainly create a flawed image.

The key is to keep the work environment friendly enough so that people show up gladly every day, but also demonstrate how unjust behavior is swiftly punished. According to a 2014 study performed among members of the healthcare sector, the right HRM approach is intrinsically linked to employee performance.

This means that how policies are applied by the department is directly reflected in the efficiency of task fulfillment on the company floor. Therefore, the most productive workers are those who have the support of an impartial and well-organized human resources staff. The more positive the practices that are applied, the more satisfied people will be.

Proper HRM and Employee Wellbeing
The involvement of a company’s HR department in workplace culture doesn’t only keep people happy, but healthy as well. The results of 2017 research published in The International Journal of Human Resource Management have shown that the appropriate management of human resources by trained staff can actually be beneficial to employee wellbeing.

This is beneficial for both the people themselves, as well as the company. Healthier workers are more productive and less prone to taking extended leaves of absence. This means that they will create more for the business, and thus bring in heftier amounts of revenue. For this reason, modern HRM is focused on the improvement of employee wellbeing.

This is now the most important aspect to concentrate on if you have or wish to build a career in human resources. After all, happy employees are healthy employees, and healthy employees bring more to the table. As experts have recently established, keeping them that way is partly the responsibility of HRM.

The Bottom Line
The impact of the human resources department within a company is enormous. First of all, the team behind it is the first one candidates come in contact with after applying for a job. The HR people are the ones to conduct interviews, select skilled workers and train them for the new position. And their responsibilities don’t end afterward either.

Proper human resources management also means creating a prolific and positive company culture that rewards performance and punishes impropriety. It’s essential for employees to feel like they belong in the team, but not experience too much freedom so that they start breaking the rules. It is a fine line, and only the best can walk it.

Yours Truly,

The BizandLove Lady!

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